#1 | TCS34725FN is a lowcost costeffective RGB fullcolor color recognition sensor The sensor recognizes the surface color of an object through optical sensing It supports the three primary colors of red green and blue RGB supports bright light sensing and can |
#2 | CQRobot RGB Color SensorOnboard TCS34725FN embedded ADC high sensitivity wide dynamic range I2C communication uses a few pins Integrates IR blocking filter minimizes the IR spectral component of the incoming light |
#3 | Outputs RGB data without white balance Outputs light intensity feels the light like human eyes Supports light intensity interrupt output programmable upper and lower thresholds Supports filllight by onboard LED adjustable brightness by PWM |
#4 | Onboard voltage level translator compatible with 33V5V operating voltage Compatible with motherboards such as Raspberry PiArduinoSTM32 |
#5 | for Medical Health Fluid and Gas Analysis Color Temperature Measurement Backlight Control for RGB LED Product Color Verification and Classification Ambient Light Sensing for TVS Cell Phones Tablets Printer Computers and Monitors etc |
Brand | CQRobot |
Model | AngelTCS34725US |
CQRobot TCS34725FN RGB Color Sensor Compatible with Raspberry Pi/Arduino/STM32. I2C Interface, Output RGB Data/Light Intensity Table. for Light Test, Phones, Computers, Industries, Lighting.
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