#1 | Mini Control box with builtin 50 color modes or Holding mode button to sync with 12V RGB Motherboard |
#2 | ONLY could sync with 12V RGB motherboard The signal numbers of 12V RGB and 5V ARGB of different motherboards will be slightly different On some motherboards some RGB mixed colors may not be displayed correctly such as orange yellow and the color of the LE |
#3 | Included 3way splitter could extension with more ARGB devices |
#4 | Voltage transformer from 12 to 5V powered by SATA |
#5 | The converter supports a maximum of 100x 5V 3Pin ARGB LEDs and can withstand a maximum current of 3A Please ensure not to exceed the specified load limit |
Brand | EZDIY-FAB |
Model | US-12V to 5V Controller |
EZDIY-FAB RGB Converter, 12V RGB to 5V ARGB Transfer Hub with 3-Way Splitter, Motherboard with 12V 4-pin Header can Control 5V ADD-RGB Products, Built-in 50 Color Modes
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