Computers And AccessoriesComponentsGraphics CardsComputers And Accessories
EZDIY-FAB RGB GPU Holder 5V 3-Pin Colorful RGB Graphics Card GPU Support Video Card Holder Bracket, Video Card Sag Holder/Holster Bracket- 309-1
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#1 | Adjustable for different video card weights and sizes |
#2 | Adaptable to a wide range of motherboards and cases |
#3 | The combination of aluminium alloy side plates and intermediate acrylic plates slows aging protects vulnerabilities and can be used as longterm components |
#4 | The allanode process can maintain the durability of the surface texture and keep the color from changing for a long period of time |
#5 | Sync RGB lighting via motherboard ONLY works with an Addressable RGB5V 3pin capable motherboard or an Addressable RGB5V 3pin controllerPlease check the ARGB motherboard of your motherboard before purchase |
Brand | EZDIY-FAB |
Model | 309-1 |
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